Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
HRM - Essay Example or on the other hand enrolling capable and built up staff is particularly there since each association or organization so far as that is concerned needs to accomplish productivity and adequacy with regards to completing the things in a fast way. [Cooper, 2004] There are cases when workers have been known to drag out things since they don't feel to be in the state of mind to do as such. This is an authoritative articulation with respect to the representatives that they were selected wrongly at the hour of their employing and the association did to be sure commit an error in picking such a specialist over different alternatives that were accessible to it, in the United Kingdom as well as around the globe. It has been seen that on occasion, the top line faculty present in workplaces delegate occupations and assignments to their sub-ordinates without feeling that the equivalent probably won't be the right way and method of activity as to approach completing the undertakings and duties. They imagine that designation would thrive a feeling of getting more work inside the sub-ordinates who themselves are basically busy with their effectively appointed undertakings and occupations. This is henceforth not the right way in which things ought to be done and subsequently a need must be chalked out to ramify exactly the same issue. The most ideal decent variety that could be made in such manner is to designate top line administrators who comprehend the mind of the individuals working under the person in question or on a similar level as his so the individual can get a grip with regards to what representatives for the most part are most appropriate at and what they don't favor under certain deman ding conditions in the workplace place condition. As a result, having the option to accomplish more work is unquestionably viewed as an or more and an additional preferred position for a representative however this ought not, under any level, surpass their capacities and ranges of abilities. The individual in question must be appointed the measure of work which is proportionate with their compensation, effectively set working conditions and all the more so the abilities based on which the person in question was
Sunday, July 12, 2020
When to Stick with Something and When to Quit
When to Stick with Something â€" and When to Quit Surely you have heard about the modern-day myth that practice makes perfect and that you just need to put your mind (or your back) into something and voila, there you have it!While its a tempting thing to believe in such happy-ending fairytales, the reality is often harder than wed like it to be.Practice and following through indeed have their place in succeeding in… well, almost everything.Sometimes, however, no matter how much you try, its just not meant to happen… not to you at least.Its not to say that perseverance is not the most important aspect of success because it definitely is, but sometimes, you just need to have some talent, be born for something or be in a specific kind of a situation in order to achieve your goals and fulfill your desires.The modern-day optimistic credo of idea + work + action = success is sometimes simply not founded in everyday existence and reality. Do you seriously need an example?Take that kid from Somalia that digs cobalt a few miles deep with in the Somalian mines for 1$ per hour every day so that you may have your lithium rechargeable batteries in your handy devices.Try explaining to that kid how he/she can do everything they want in life if they only put enough work into it.It just doesnt work.Sounds harsh?Well, thats reality for ya… and if you think that neoliberal capitalism made it possible for everyone to bathe in riches and if this offends your subtle yuppie taste, lets take another example, a one less drenched in the economy.Take a deaf person and explain to that person that he or she can be a brilliant composer or a virtuoso if he or she tries enough? Rings a bell?Yeah, sure, but a deaf person cant hear it.You can say that Beethoven could sure do it, but he wasnt born deaf and besides, how many Beethovens have you met in your life?Wake up Dorothy, youre not in Kansas anymore.Some things you just cant do and it might be wise to know how to discern between the unachievable and achievable through hard work only†¦ just to avoid trying too hard for nothing or quitting when you should have followed through.THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF QUITTINGWere all really familiar with the downsides of quitting, right?From a very early age of our development, our parents and teachers made it sure that we appall quitting and with a good reason too.The very word quitter carries a negative connotation and is used to describe someone who lacks the willpower to make an effort and succeed in something that demands a certain degree of vigor.So quitters never succeed because only a few things in this life come free of charge (except life itself maybe) and the most frequent currency in transactions is your vital energy.You spend it on everything that you want to get and achieve.When you think about it, money and material goods are just a way for you to convert your energy into means of getting the desired materials and services, but in essence… you pay for energy with energy.The point is that if you want t o have something done or simply have something, you must invest a certain amount of energy.People who dont invest dont get revenue and its as simple as that.No money, no honey. No pain no gain. Since quitters are on the no gain side of the spectrum, its clear why they dont succeed.The opposite of quitters, the doers or the achievers are the people who live by the: When the going gets tough, the tough get going and similar creeds.Its easy to assume that they are the successful part of the bunch, but sometimes, it gets more complicated.If you get stuck trying to achieve the unachievable and get too stubborn about it to admit the failure to yourself, youre bound to waste time, nerves, energy and consequently money which is, by the time youre through, the least of your concerns.The people who dont know how to quit either succeed or break being unable to bear the defeat.If they dont have it their way, they quit a lot more than they placed their bets on in the first place.Some of them don t want to lose the battle and they lose wars because of it.Think of gamblers who keep rolling the dice until they lose everything that theyve got.Think of people who take away their lives because their girlfriend left them or because they didnt have any friends.As Aristotle said, happiness is the balance between your wishes and your potential to fulfill them. If you wish for too much and overreach, youll be miserable, if you wish for too little and dont actualize your full potential, itll get too dull for you.Having said that, a specific downside of being too ambitious, optimistic and bent on working hard is the possibility of others exploiting your disposition as such.If you think about it, we were taught in schools to behave, listen to commands, keep quiet and repeat what is expected of us. We were also taught not to give up, because if we did, how could anyone ever make us do what they want us to do?So, quitting can have its good sides. It just depends on whether you know what, h ow and when to quit or not.If you do it as you should, it just might save you a lot of energy and time which all the money in the world cannot buy.KNOWING WHAT TO QUITBefore we start answering the question of when, the question of what should first be addressed.So what should you quit and what should you follow through?Depends on your criteria of course, but first, ask yourself is it life-threatening or not. It usually isnt though and when it is, you neither have the time nor need for reading articles like this.After youve established that you wont die if you quit, ask yourself a few of the following questions:How important is this to me? How am I going to feel if I quit?How will this affect my future?If its not that important, why wouldnt you quit? If you even find yourself thinking about quitting you must have your reasons to do so. Make a list of those reasons.Put together the for and against list and assign points to every argument.Then all you have to do is put together the poi nts and see if it adds up and youll make it easier for yourself to decide and end the agony of the dilemma.It matters to a great extent what youre quitting.Quitting a job can be a bit tricky because you can easily find yourself climbing or even falling down the corporate ladder. Calculate your salary and expenses and be sure to have a plan B in store. Other than that, youre good to go.Quitting a habit is by definition a good thing. Even if its a good habit, its not advisable to be a creature of the habit.Yes, you have to have a certain rhythm in your life and you cant consciously steer through it all the time, but disengaging from autopilot has its innumerable benefits as well.Quitting a relationship or in other words breaking up, whether its your friend or a lover can be amongst the toughest choices ever so thread carefully.Put together the pros and cons and make sure that its absolutely not worth fighting for before you quit.If your lover is a manipulative, self-centered narcissis t who doesnt value you, then you should let him/her go.If not, don’t think that Princes(ess) Charming grow on trees, waiting for you to pick them. First of all, a perfect partner doesn’t exist.Relationships are something that you build and work on, not something that starts off and turns out to be perfect on its own.DANGERS OF THE URGE TO BE CONSISTENTWe were taught not to quit by inertia so we feel guilty when were about to back down.People often find themselves making stupid mistakes because they think they should be consistent or that they should stick to a decision that theyve made or keep the word that theyve given to themselves or someone else.Its stubbornness and inertia that often get us into trouble.While its virtuous to be a man of your word, nothing that you say is ever written in stone nor should you act as it is.You have the capacity to go back on your word and utter something to overwrite what youve said.Its not to say that you should misuse that capacity and be ca pricious about it, but you shouldnt put yourself through hell just for the sake of consistency and principles either.Principles are there to serve you, its not the other way around.People are well aware of our inertia and the urge to persist no matter the cost so they can find a way of manipulating us into feeling guilty and doing what they want.If they insist on us persisting, we should always ask ourselves about their interest in our persistence.One should absolutely disregard any and all insults and labels such as quitter and such.By themselves, those categories mean nothing and they can be attributed to everything without ever specifying why someone quit or what or how did he/she quit.Come to think of it, those are important questions to answer.HOW TO QUITEven video games and computer programs are designed to manipulate our urge to be consistent.When you hit that alt + f4 shortcut, you are faced with a bunch of questions like: do you really want to quit?Some of them are witty an d even put the blame on you for being a coward.Well, the people who hold your withdrawal against their interest will do the same.Before you withdraw, carefully analyze your motives for doing so, explain yourself to yourself and answer any and all questions you might think of at the moment.Think of all the possibilities and try to examine your withdrawal from as many angles as you can, including the angle of the people who would manipulate you.That way, you will have your answers prepared in advance.Dont let anyone but yourself second-guess your decisions. That doesn’t mean youll become arrogant and self-centered.Take into consideration other peoples opinions, but as suggestions only, cause thats what they are.If you react emotionally to those suggestions, then theyve already destabilized you and affected your judgment. In other words, youve accepted them and internalized them.In that manner what was one, a suggestion becomes a truth that you feel you should deal with.To avoid such a situation, be introspective and self-critical so that, when others criticize you, you dont feel guilty or like you own them anything, not even an explanation.Youve explained everything to yourself already and you yourself are the only person who can demand those explanations. You do what you have to do to keep your composure.To be fair to others too and avoid being a selfish prick, offer your explanation to them, but only once. Dont let them draw you into the whirlpool of sophistry, diversions, and deceptions.Dont let anyone lie to you. If you feel that you should quit and that it will bring you peace, by all means, quit.Never let the inferiority complex biased feeling that you owe people something make you serve them… unless you actually owe something, which is less often the case than theyd have you believe.Feeling that you necessarily have to follow through will sometimes put you in a disadvantage before others who dont share the feeling.Not to mention the time youll lose th e following something through for nothing.THE THINGS WE CAN(T) QUIT AND QUESTIONS WE SHOULD ASK OURSELVESOnce, people were taught how to repair and hold onto things.Now the paradigm changed.When somethings broken or when something doesnt fulfill the purpose weve ascribed to it, we abandon it, throw it in the trash and buy a new one.As long as you can buy a new one it sounds good, but there are still some priceless things. Having said that, one should think about what hes quitting and why.There are questions to ask yourself when quitting your job, enterprise, relationship, a game, an agreement, a habit.Think about whether youll be able to find a better job, game, enterprise and about all the aspects of your current job:Whats the root of my discomfort here?Which of my expectations are thwarted?Can I find a better one?Did I invest too much time and energy to simply abandon this?If I stick to this, will it pay off or will I be at a loss?What do I stand to win and what do I stand to lose ?Is there a better way for me to spend my energy and my time?Is there something that would make me happyHow long will that happiness last?You can ask all of these questions, no matter what youre quitting unless its an emotional relationship.If its friendship or more than a friendship, the basic mathematics dont apply… not 100% anyway.People are not numbers nor they are questions that you can answer with a yes or no… unless youre a sociopath that is.When it comes to breaking the habit, on the other hand, go nuts. Break all the habits that you have simply because its healthy to sometimes bring awareness to what youre doing and remind yourself of the reasons for continuation.If its a good/healthy habit were talking about, by all means, reinstate it. If its something that causes addiction, break the cycle immediately. How? Improvise. Just dont go slowly.Break it immediately and break it hard. When it comes to most of the modern days addictions, withdrawal symptoms are mainly psychol ogical, although they can manifest physiologically if youre hell-bent on the habit and identify with it.But thats a problem of a different kind. If you know something is as bad as it gets and you cant find a single rational reason for enjoying it, you should examine that self-destructive urges ASAP.Take the example of smoking.The health problems that it causes are innumerable, it stinks, its aesthetically detrimental and expensive… but people still do it! Now try and justify that… or dont. Just stop.The reasons people cling to such silly habits are efforts to contribute to something while not doing anything of significance.In relation to our example, people were convinced that smoking looked cool via media such as movies from the 50-ties.Roland Barthes, a famous French literary theorist, and scientist exposed such consumerism popularization in his Mythologies.Its the same marketing tricks that have been around since fascist Germany and Goebbels propaganda. If you want people to take on a habit, just display someone desirable practicing it and insist on it being cool.Well, tough luck people. Stupid things that everyone can easily do, dont make you cool, so take control over your actions.Its common physics that mass(es) in motion always opt for the path of least resistance.The first thing that you need to quit is being a part of that machinery. Conformism and inertia… comfort-zone irrationality and infantile, self-destructive behavior are definitely things to quit.GRAY ZONE OF QUITTING CONGENITAL DISABILITIES AND HANDICAPSWhen it comes to impairments and birth defects, its sometimes futile or dangerous to engage in activities youre not meant to engage in.It can really be frustrating and irritating to be at a disadvantage like that, but when theres really not much that you can do about it, it might be for the best to accept defeat and focus on things that you can do.Not everyones meant to do everything.Youre bound to have some talents that you can hone to make this world a better place so discover them and put them to good use.On the other hand, you should not let your disadvantages discourage you as there are many examples of people with disabilities who prove the above-stated wrong and excel at what seems to be impossible for them to do.If youre hell-bent on doing something and you really, really enjoy it so much that youd devote your whole life to it, then do it! You might just defeat the odds.The one thing that you cannot do, if you suffer any impairments, is to take pity on yourself and use that as an excuse not to excel in anything in life.If youre short, you might not play basketball for the NBA, but how many of us will do that?On the other hand, you might be a great artist or a great scientist and If you waste your life just complaining about your problems, youll never get a chance to shine.Its the same for healthy people and for impaired ones.Not everyone can do everything and its good that it is so. The world would be a bor ing place if we were all perfect and the same.Its very important in life to know whats your cup of tea and what isnt.When you access that, start a dialogue with yourself and stop chasing for the unachievable.Focus on what you can do and what you can do good.Be aware of your shortcomings and work on them if you can, but dont let them take you down and become a universal excuse for being a failure.Focus on your advantages and change the game. You just might find that youre great at something you never thought of trying before.WHEN TO STICK TO SOMETHINGRemember the pros and cons list? Use it again. The basic question to ask yourself is always:Will you have more gain than losses if you stick through?You dont want it to be a Pyrrhic victory, do you? Try a couple of times. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. When you fall, get up and give it your all once again… and once again after that.Give it a few shots, but dont get stuck in a loop. Before you quit, you should try your best and the n, even if you quit, you do so with a clear conscience.Sometimes, were nearing a fruitful end of our endeavors, but were unable to see it from where were standing.Thats why perseverance is an important trait to develop and nurture.However, perseverance and stubbornness are not the same and you should definitely avoid the latter. CONCLUSIONA saying that quitters never win and winners never quit may just turn out to be untrue, at least to an extent.Its important to note what youre sticking to and what youre quitting as well as when and how are you quitting or sticking to something.Neither quitting nor following through are good or bad per se. Its the context that matters as well and that gives meaning to your actions.Besides what, when, how and where, you should give some attention to the question of why. Always make sure its not indolence or pessimism that drive your actions.If youre quitting, analyze yourself first and make sure that youre doing it with a clear conscience and out of rationality.Finally, if youre having doubts, dont rush into the decision, but dont hesitate too long as hesitation has a way of draining you.Make that pros and cons list and put two and two together.Bookmark the article and go through it again if you find yourself in a dilemma. It just may help you in your time of need.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Ludwig Van Beethoven Composing A Legacy - 2575 Words
Ludwig Van Beethoven: Composing A Legacy Voices joined in harmonic unity and strength, singing praises to God and to mankind, echoed through the symphony hall on their last note. Stunned, the audience sat silently in awe of this great performance, before standing and applauding vehemently. The loud cheers and thundering claps however had no effect on the maestro. Deaf and dying, Ludwig van Beethoven was oblivious to his greatest moment of triumph. Beethoven’s situation was filled with irony. The fact that arguably the best composer of all time became deaf seems to be a cruel joke. However, deafness did not stop the creative genius of Beethoven, if anything it seemed to accelerate it. Throughout Beethoven’s composing career he composed†¦show more content†¦Beethoven’s compositions made way for the Romantic Period of Classical Music to occur by breaking down the social restrictions against composers and other musicians at the time. By doing so, Beethoven cleared the way for the wide variety of music genres we hear today. To understand how revolutionary Beethoven’s new approach to music was we must first understand the time period that young Beethoven was born into. During the 18th Century, Germany was a part of the Holy Roman Empire, an Empire that had stood at that point for almost a thousand years. At the heart of the Holy Roman Empire was its capital city of Vienna. Vienna was the center for the arts during the 18th century and most of the 19th century. However, despite all the cultural advancements, even in Vienna very strict social standards applied to every one. For example, if a middle class merchant had a son, that son was expected to become a merchant like his father and he could not become any greater. The aristocrats stayed within their group, the middle class within theirs, and the poor within theirs. There was no social climbing or intermingling, that is until Mozart came along and blurred the lines a little. Mozart was a child prodigy. From a very young age, he played and composed beautiful music. His father saw this and used it to create a ton of publicity and money. Mozart played for kings and queens all across Europe amazing everyone who saw him. As Mozart grew up his fame only grew
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Quality Of Education State And Federal Involvement
Quality of Education: State and Federal Involvement Ekaterina Hall Santiago Canyon College Introduction The world today is globally competitive and education is at the center of it all. John F. Kennedy, a former U.S. President, once stated, â€Å"A child miseducated is a child lost.†The importance of education has been hammered and embedded into our minds from the first day of school. We are constantly told education is the key to life. This is because education is â€Å"the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life (†Therefore, if a child is not educated at all or simply improperly educated than he or she has very little skill in judgment, wisdom, and reasoning. Without these skills it is difficult to be intellectually mature. In a society that is constantly changing and expanding there is much competition. In order to be a participant of change, children must be educated or they just simply become the watchers and not doers. The entire nation cannot all be watchers or the nation will fall. In order to be a successful accomplishing nation, it is crucial we are educated on different subjects of life or weShow MoreRelatedThe American Education System Is Important For National Prosperity And Individual Success1424 Words  | 6 Pages4, 2015 The American Education System In an intelligence-based economy, education is important to national prosperity and individual success. Huge achievement gaps and opportunities must shrink to non-existence, and every student must receive a well education that prepares them for college and careers in the world as it is today. 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Director and Duties of Director
Question: Write an essay on the topic"Director and Duties of Director". Answer: The person who has the responsibility of the management of the business activities of a company is the director of a company. There is at least one director in every small company and there may be many directors in large companies who manage the company's business collectively. Often they are known as the "Board of Directors." The relationship between the company and the directors is governed largely by the duties of the Directors of which they are directors. These duties accordingly are generally owed to the company as a whole. It may be that during financially strenuous times to may so happen that the directors find themselves in a fiduciary position. There are in addition, circumstances that are limited in number under which there are duties that the directors have towards individual shareholders. The compliance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth.) is the fundamental principle that governs the responsibilities of the directors which they must comply with (Carson, 2012). In summary, the legal duties and responsibilities under the Corporations Act are as mentioned below (Adams, 2002): Duty for acting in good faith for the best interest of the company as a whole (section 181 of the Corporations Act) There should not be any kind of conflict of interest. The Directors should act in a manner that is motivated towards the best interest of the company and honestly. Duty of avoiding conflict of interest (section 181 of the Corporations Act) It is necessary for the directors to avoid any kind of conflict of interest and manage it if the same arises. Duty of acting for purposes that are proper (section 181 of the Corporations Act): Nothing must be done by the director which would be perceived by a reasonable person to be contradictory to the companys actions or aims. Duty of diligence and care (section 180(1) of the Corporations Act): The degree of diligence and care that a reasonable person, if they were the company's director in a given circumstances, would exercise is the standard of care which is required. Duty of not making improper use of their position (Section 182(1) of the Corporations Act) The directors must not use their position in an improper manner so as to cause the company a detriment or gain an advantage for themselves. Duty of not making the informations improper use (s 183(1) of the Corporations Act): The information that is obtained by the Directors due to the position should not be used by them to cause the company a detriment or for their personal benefit or benefit of another person. Duty to ensure that there is no insolvent trading (Section 588G of the Corporations Act): Insolvent means that the companies which cannot at the time when the debts are required to be paid to pay its debts. The history of directors duties and responsibilities begins when it first appeared in England and then from their made its way into Australia. The idea that the corporation would be an independent entity where the shareholders shall be held accountable and the directors shall govern was brilliant (Australian corporations legislation, 2013). This legal invention that was created had conditions that were required by the directors and corporations to oblige with and conform to various basic rules. These rules included those which were imposed upon the directors which imposed upon them duties so that they act in a manner that is honest, diligent, with care and skill. The problem that has been central to the company from the very beginning is that the advantage of this brilliant legal idea should be secured while ensuring that the management and the directors are kept accountable to the shareholders. Even to this date of company policy and law these problems still remain a challenge that is central for the corporations (Lipton, n.d.). In his book The Bold Riders Trevor Sykes has reminded us of the list of failures like the collapse of (i) Adelaide Steamship which was the largest industrial group in Australia; (ii) Bond Corporation the nation's ninth biggest enterprise measured by way of revenue; (iii) Bond Brewing which was nearly half of the industry of brewing; (iv) Bond Media, Channel 10 and Quintex which were the major three commercial networks of television; (v) Budget which was Australia's largest car renter and various such other failures. Though it is not a pleasant reminder, however, it is necessary to be kept reminding of them. They provide the basis on which the policies and law with respect to the Corporations and responsibilities and duties of directors (Skyes, 1994). This is the history of duties and responsibilities of directors which are required to be measured with the future and the present. The idea of the corporation is the one which has been taken from the past and remains a legal instrument that is central to the economic well-being. This is one of the major reasons why directors have been such an important part of the society and economy of Australia (Review of sanctions in corporate law, 2007). In the present times in response to the various failures in the Australian economy, there was the imposition of numerous new legal duties upon the directors in Australia. A statutory standard of reasonable care and diligence was introduced by the Federal Parliament (Cassidy, 2016). There were various cases that were put forth before the court where attempts had been made for holding the directors at a standard that was higher than that which was expressed earlier under common law. AWA Limited v Daniels (AWA Limited v Daniels, 1992) is one of the best-known cases Rogers CJ. The decision, in this case, was the starting point; it was interpreted as the adoption of a practical approach towards the duties of the director. It reinforced the notion that the non-executive directors could be held liable only in the cases where there was gross negligence. It was through objective and not subjective standards that their duty was to be judged. Their functions of management could not be delegate d. In the appeal to this case (AWA Limited v Daniels, 1995), the majority decision came from the New South Wales Court of Appeal in which a more rigorous standard was upheld then that which at the first instance was found. On the part of all the directors, a minimum standard of competence was required under law. It was to ensure that the decisions of the directors were independent, involved their discretions active involvement and informed. There was the rejection of the notion that the directors liability was limited only to the case involving gross negligence (Tomasic, Bottomley, McQueen, 2002). If the Australian cases of the past two decades are analyzed one can observed two trends in it, first being that the judicial impatience is growing with respect to passive or sleeping directors on the Australian companies boards (Law, 2012). Second is that an appreciation which was realistic with respect to the fact that all functions of auditors, system controllers and managers of the company could not be assumed by the director. The duties and responsibilities of the directors have become more stringent as compared to the earlier times. If there is the conflict of personal interest, then it is the duty of the director to disclose the same at the meeting of the director's for public companies. This rule does not, however, apply to proprietary companies with single directors. In the case of the sole director of proprietary companies, the disclosure of material personal interest is not required under section 191(1) of the Corporations Act. Further in a proprietary company, there are fewer financial disclosures that are to be made as compared to a public company (Ramsay Hoad, 2000). There are various consequences that may be faced by the directors due to contravention of law, and the remedies that are available before the court for the breach of duty by a director are (a) declaration or injunction; (b) compensation or damages; (c) property of the company if the same is traceable is restored; (d) contract's rescission; (e) profits' account and (d) dismissal of summary proceedings. The contravention of the statutory duties of the director under section 180-183 of the Corporations Act would involve concurrently a breach under equitable or common law duties of the director to the extent which these statutory duties are co-extensive with the general law duties. Under the Corporations Act section 179, private litigation is preserved for directors breach of general law duties. If there is a debt that the company has incurred by the directors negligently on or before 23rd June 1993 and immediately prior to the time when the debt was incurred (a) there were reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be incapable of paying its debts at the time that they become due; or (b) there are reasonable grounds for expecting that if debt is incurred by the company when they become due it will not be able to pay such debts. In such case, there would be a joint and several liabilities on the directors to make such payments. This has been well established in the case of Neville Jeffress Properties Ltd v Bleyer (1991) NSW, Southern Star Group Pty Ltd t/as KGC Magnetic Tapes v Taylor (No 2) (1991) NSW and also the case of Panuane Trading Pty Ltd v GB Nathans Co Pty Ltd (1991) NSW. There is now an existence of concepts of un-commercial transactions, loans that are unfair, voidable transactions and insolvent transaction. There is a duty now imposed under section 588 G of the Corporations Act preventing them from trading the company into insolvency. Relief can be granted by the courts in civil proceedings as well for default, negligence, breach of duty or breach of trust, relief may be given by the court in the case wherein the person had acted in a manner that was honest and if in the given circumstances he ought to be excused fairly for the breach, default or negligence (Section 1318(1) Corporation Act). It was stated in the case of Regal (Hastings) Ltd. v. Gulliver that actions ratification could have been obtained. Further in the case of Furs Ltd. v. Tomkies (1936) HCA, it was indicated by the court that the directors actions needs to be ratified in a general meeting by the board. It was held in the case of Bamford v. Bamfor (1969) UK it was opined that by making a frank and full disclosure and calling the general body of the shareholders together forgiveness and absolution could be obtained of their sins, provided that the act a whole was n ot ultra vires for the company(Ciro Symes, 2012). It is out of the present that the future will grow, it clear that directors of Australian companies would be required to operate in an environment which is undergoing change and reconsideration. It is now necessary for the directors in Australia to become even more aware of their duties. This is not in response just to the failures that occurred in the Australian corporation community a decade ago but even in a research by Mr. Richar Hoad and Professor Ian Ramsay of Melbourne University results produced stated that (Ramsay Hoad, 2000) the procedures of performance review of directors and management are not discussed by 65% of the companies, and it is only 42% of large companies that review the management's performance regularly. Beyond the issue of striking a balance between the lifting of the company's director's performing of duties and their legal position, there are various other long-term problems that need to be addressed. Despite the various issues that have been there in the recent past corporations history has been on which has been a brilliant legal idea which the business people took up and became a great advantage for the modern economies. References Adams, M. (2002).Essential corporate law. Sydney: Cavendish Pub. (Australia). Australian corporations legislation. (2013). Chatswood, N.S.W. AWA Limited v Daniels, 10 ACLC 933 (1992). AWA Limited v Daniels, 37 NSWLR 438 (CA); 13 ACLC 614 (1995). Carson, R. (2012). Certification and Duties of a Director of Physical Activity.Journal Of Physical Education, Recreation Dance,83(6), Cassidy, J. (2016). Has the 'Sleeping' Director Finally Been Laid to Rest?.Australian Business Law Review,102, 115-116. Ciro, T. Symes, C. (2012).Corporations law. Pyrmont, N.S.W.: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited. CORPORATIONS ACT 2001. (2016) Retrieved 23 June 2016.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Train from Rhodesia Symbolism Essay Example
The Train from Rhodesia: Symbolism Paper Symbolism in the Train from Rhodesia What does the train symbolize in The Train from Rhodesia? The Train from Rhodesia is a short story written from a third person perspective yet she is reflecting on her life in that given moment. The train symbolizes life and the tracks symbolize the path you are on. Courage and strength is symbolized by the lion. The Train from Rhodesia is a journey of the failure of self-realization. The woman realizes that her â€Å"wonderful†life isn’t so wonderful. She has money and a new husband that wants to make her happy and buy her what she wants. The woman wasn’t happy with her life and she thought that getting married would change her life path. When they stopped at a train station on there way home there was this old black man trying to sell a wood carved lion that she wanted. The older black man who is selling the lion has a sense of ownership and dignity that he did such an amazing job on the lion that some one would pay a good price for it â€Å"and round the neck of the thing, a piece of fur (rat? rabbit? meerkat? ); a real mane, majestic, telling you some how that the artist had delight in the lion†(Gordimer,44). The woman tries to bargain with the old man and stops because he won’t lower his price. We will write a custom essay sample on The Train from Rhodesia: Symbolism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Train from Rhodesia: Symbolism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Train from Rhodesia: Symbolism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The husband then bargains with the old man giving him a fraction of what he was asking for. She feels bad after she and her husband bought the lion for a lower price then what he was asking for. The old man feels happy that he got to sell the lion but the woman realizes that he deserved the money he was asking for. The women felt selfish because her husband didn’t give the old man the money he deserved. The old man was so proud of his work and he needed the money more then they did. Her young husband took control of the bargaining situation which made her feel partly responsible for his actions. The lion â€Å"between its Vandyke teeth, in the mouth opened in an endless roar too terrible to be heard, it had a black tongue†(Gordimer,44). Her husband cheating an old black man out of his money all she can think about is how her husband is going to cheat her. â€Å"What will they mean from the place you found them? †(Gordimer,45) in asking this question when she looks at her carvings she will remember the scene where she bought them because that is what a souvenir is. The lion’s black tongue evokes complex exchange and underlying threats of sex between blacks and whites. The person who has the lion has the power and when the husband takes the lion for a fraction of what the old man wanted it for gives him the power; yet he makes it seem like the women is right and has the power when he is just being a guy and agreeing with her. He doesn’t even know what his wife is really talking about. The women analyses where her disturbed feelings are coming from in terms of the carving and what her marriage is built on. The short story, The Train from Rhodesia is a well written story about this young newlywed that is reflecting on her life in that given moment in time. The train and the tracks is like a time machine into a world that they don’t see often because they are a wealthy white folk on a vacation. The life path that the woman is on is not where she wants to be. It’s not rewarding enough for her she thinks that this is all there is. She wants the train tracks to go in a different direction because she doesn’t like this everyday feeling. This woman doesn’t have enough courage to voice her feelings and thoughts which you would think so because of what happens at the train station. There ends the trip on The Train from Rhodesia which is a journey of the failure of self-realization.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
F.Scott FitzgeraldS The Great Gatsby Essays - The Great Gatsby
F.Scott FitzgeraldS The Great Gatsby Essays - The Great Gatsby F.Scott FitzgeraldS The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby One of the most prominent themes in F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel, The Great Gatsby, is of the American Dream. This dream can be many things to many different people, but everyone does have some sort of goal that they want to accomplish in their life. For Jay Gatsby, the dream is that through wealth, power, and financial stability, one can acquire pure happiness and self-satisfaction. This happiness that he is reaching for is to be reunited with his love from days past, Daisy. Before Gatsby went off to fight in the war, he and Daisy had been involved. Gatsby, realizing that Daisy was from a wealthy family, knew that he couldnt financially support Daisy if he were to ask for her hand in marriage. Then Gatsby went off to war and Daisy married Tom Buchanan, who was also from a wealthy family. Returning from war, Gatsby decides to become a completely different person. He begins this transformation by changing his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby. Then, through illegal dealings in organized crime, he becomes wealthy and able to afford anything to get closer to Daisy. Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay (83), and he fills his estate with many luxuries and throws many extravagant parties to impress people, hoping that it will lead him to Daisy. Unfortunately for Gatsby, there is a foul dust that preys on him (6). This foul dust is made up of societys twisted views of the classes. Tom, Daisys husband believes that because he is from a wealthy family, then he can do whatever pleases him, which, in this case, is an affair. Because Gatsby is part of the nouveau riche, he is not as accepted and welcome into that class of society. Gatsby, however, will not rest until he fulfills his dream of pure happiness by being with Daisy. In the pursuit of his disillusioned goal, Gatsby ends up dead and never able to carry out his American Dream of finding true self-satisfaction in life.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Frances Perkins, First Woman in a Presidential Cabinet
Frances Perkins, First Woman in a Presidential Cabinet Frances Perkins (April 10, 1880 - May 14, 1965) became the first woman to serve in a presidents cabinet when she was appointed the Secretary of Labor by Franklin D. Roosevelt. She played a prominent public role throughout Roosevelts 12-year presidency and was instrumental in shaping New Deal policies and major pieces of legislation such as the Social Security Act. Early Life and Education Fannie Coralie Perkins (she would later adopt the first name Frances) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on April 10, 1880. Her family could trace its roots back to settlers in the 1620s. When she was a child, Perkins father moved the family to Worcester, Massachusetts, where he operated a store that sold stationery. Her parents had little formal education, but her father, in particular, read widely and had educated himself about history and the law. Perkins attended Worcester Classical High School, graduating in 1898. At some point in her teen years, she read How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis, the reformer and pioneering photojournalist. Perkins would later cite the book as an inspiration for her lifes work. She was accepted to Mount Holyoke College, though she was fearful of its rigorous standards. She had not considered herself to be very bright, but after working hard to pass a challenging chemistry class, she gained self-confidence. As a senior at Mount Holyoke, Perkins took a course on American economic history. A field trip to local factories and mills was a requirement of the course. Witnessing firsthand the poor working conditions had a profound effect on Perkins. She realized that workers were being exploited by dangerous conditions, and came to see how injured workers could find themselves forced into a life of poverty. Before leaving college, Perkins helped found a chapter of the National Consumers League. The organization sought to improve working conditions by urging consumers not to purchase products manufactured in unsafe conditions. Career Beginnings After graduation from Mount Holyoke in 1902, Perkins took teaching jobs in Massachusetts and lived with her family in Worcester. At one point, she rebelled against her familys wishes and traveled to New York City to visit an agency which dealt with helping the poor. She insisted on getting a job interview, but wasnt hired. The director of the organization thought she was naive and presumed that Perkins would be overwhelmed working among the urban poor. After two unhappy years in Massachusetts after college, Perkins applied and was hired for a teaching job at Ferry Academy, a girls boarding school in Chicago. Once settled in the city, she began visiting Hull House, a settlement house founded and led by noted social reformer Jane Addams. Perkins changed her name from Fannie to Frances and devoted all the time she could to her work at Hull House. After three years in Illinois, Perkins took a job in Philadelphia for an organization that researched social conditions faced by young women and African Americans working in the citys factories. Then, in 1909, Perkins earned a scholarship to attend graduate school at Columbia University in New York City. In 1910, she completed her masters thesis: an investigation of undernourished children attending a school in Hells Kitchen. While completing her thesis, she began working for the New York office of the Consumers League and became active in campaigns to improve working conditions for the citys poor. Political Awakening On March 25, 1911, a Saturday afternoon, Perkins was attending a tea at a friends apartment on Washington Square in New Yorks Greenwich Village. The sounds of a terrible commotion reached the apartment, and Perkins raced a few blocks to the Asch Building on Washington Place. A fire had broken out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, a clothing sweatshop that employed mostly young immigrant women. Doors kept locked to prevent workers from taking a break trapped the victims on the 11th floor, where ladders of the fire department couldnt reach them. Frances Perkins, in the crowd on a nearby sidewalk, witnessed the horrible spectacle of young women falling to their deaths to escape the flames. The conditions in the factory cost 145 lives. Most of the victims were young working class and immigrant women. The New York State Factory Investigation Commission was formed within months of the tragedy. Frances Perkins was hired as an investigator for the commission, and she was soon leading inspections of factories and reporting on safety and health conditions. The job was aligned with her career goal, and it brought her into a working relationship with Al Smith, a New York City assemblyman who served as the vice-chair of the commission. Smith would later become governor of New York and eventually the Democratic nominee for president in 1928. Political Focus In 1913, Perkins married Paul Caldwell Wilson, who worked in the office of the mayor of New York City. She kept her last name, partly because she was often giving speeches advocating better conditions for workers and she didnt want to risk that her husband would be embarrassed. She had a child that died in 1915, but a year later gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Perkins assumed she would ease away from her work life and devote herself to being a wife and mother, perhaps volunteering for various causes. Perkins plan to withdraw from public service changed for two reasons. First, her husband began to suffer bouts of mental illness, and she felt compelled to stay employed. Second, Al Smith, who had become a friend, was elected governor of New York in 1918. It seemed to Smith that women would soon get the vote, and it was a good time to hire a woman for a substantial role in the state government. Smith appointed Perkins to the industrial commission of the New York State Department of Labor. While working for Smith, Perkins became friends with Eleanor Roosevelt, and her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt. As Roosevelt was recuperating after contracting polio, Perkins helped him keep in touch with labor leaders and began to advise him on the issues. Appointed by Roosevelt After Roosevelt was elected governor of New York, he appointed Perkins to head the New York State Department of Labor. Perkins was actually the second woman to be in a New York governors cabinet (in Al Smiths administration, Florence Knapp had served briefly as secretary of state). The New York Times noted that Perkins was being promoted by Roosevelt as he believed she had made a very fine record in her post in the state government. During Roosevelts term as governor, Perkins became nationally known as an authority on laws and regulations governing labor and business. When an economic boom ended and the Great Depression began in late 1929, less than a year into Roosevelts term as governor, Perkins faced a startling new reality. She immediately began making plans for the future. She took actions to deal with the impact of the Depression in New York State, and she and Roosevelt essentially prepared for how they could take action on a national stage. After Roosevelt was elected president in 1932, he appointed Perkins to be the nations secretary of labor, and she became the first woman to serve in a presidents cabinet. Role in The New Deal Roosevelt took office on March 4, 1933, stating Americans had nothing to fear but fear itself. The Roosevelt administration immediately went into action to battle the effects of the Great Depression. Perkins led the effort to institute unemployment insurance. She also pushed for higher wages for workers as a measure to stimulate the economy. One of her first major actions was to oversee the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps, which became known as the CCC. The organization took young unemployed men and put them to work on conservation projects throughout the nation. Frances Perkins greatest achievement is generally considered her work devising the plan that became the Social Security Act. There was great opposition in the country to the idea of social insurance, but the act successfully passed through Congress and was signed into law by Roosevelt in 1935. Decades later, in 1962, Perkins gave a speech titled The Roots of Social Security in which she detailed the struggle: Once you get the ear of a politician, you get something real. The highbrows can talk forever and nothing happens. People smile benignly on them and let it go. But once the politician gets an idea, he deals in getting things done. In addition to her work shaping legislation, Perkins was at the center of labor disputes. In an era when the labor movement was approaching its peak of power, and strikes were often in the news, Perkins became extremely active in her role as labor secretary. Impeachment Threat In 1939, conservative members of Congress, including Martin Dies, the leader of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, launched a crusade against her. She had prevented the speedy deportation of an Australian-born leader of the West Coast longshoremans union, Harry Bridges. He had been accused of being a communist. By extension, Perkins was accused of communist sympathies. Members of Congress moved to impeach Perkins in January 1939, and hearings were held to decide whether impeachment charges were warranted. Ultimately, Perkins career withstood the challenge, but it was a painful episode. (While the tactic of deporting labor leaders had been used before, evidence against Bridges fell apart during a trial and he remained in the United States.) Outbreak of World War II On December 7, 1941, Perkins was in New York City when she was told to return to Washington immediately. She attended a cabinet meeting that night at which Roosevelt told his administration about the severity of the attack on Pearl Harbor. At the beginning of World War II, American industry was transitioning from producing consumer goods to the material of war. Perkins continued as secretary of labor, but her role was not as prominent as it had been previously. Some of her major goals, such as a national health insurance program, were abandoned. Roosevelt felt he could no longer spend political capital on domestic programs. Perkins, exhausted by her long tenure in the administration, and feeling that any further goals were unattainable, planned to leave the administration by 1944. But Roosevelt asked her to stay after the election of 1944. When he won a fourth term, she continued on at the Labor Department. On April 12, 1945, a Sunday afternoon, Perkins was at home in Washington when she received an urgent call to go to the White House. Upon arrival, she was informed of President Roosevelts death. She became determined to leave government, but continued in a transition period and stayed in the Truman administration for a few months, until July 1945. Later Career and Legacy President Harry Truman later asked Perkins to return to government. She took a post as one of three civil service commissioners overseeing the federal workforce. She continued in that job until the end of the Truman administration. Following her long career in government, Perkins remained active. She taught at Cornell University, and often spoke about government and labor topics. In 1946, she published a book, The Roosevelt I Knew, which was a generally positive memoir of working with the late president. However, she never published a full account of her own life. In the spring of 1965, at age 85, her health began to fail. She died on May 14, 1965 in New York City. Notable political figures, including President Lyndon Johnson, issued tributes to her and to her work that helped bring America back from the depths of the Great Depression. France Perkins Fast Facts Full Name: Fannie Coralie PerkinsKnown As: Frances PerkinsKnown For: First woman in a presidents cabinet; major figure in the passage of Social Security; trusted and valued adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.Born: April 10,1880 in Boston, Massachusetts.Died: May 14,1965 in New York, New YorkSpouses Name: Paul Caldwell WilsonChilds Name: Susana Perkins Wilson Sources Frances Perkins. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 12, Gale, 2004, pp. 221-222. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Perkins, Frances. Great Depression and the New Deal Reference Library, edited by Allison McNeill, et al., vol. 2: Biographies, UXL, 2003, pp. 156-167. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Perkins, Frances. American Decades, edited by Judith S. Baughman, et al., vol. 5: 1940-1949, Gale, 2001. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Downey, Kirstin. The Woman Behind the New Deal. Doubleday, 2009.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Wk 5 Assignment Marketing and Operations Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wk 5 Marketing and Operations - Assignment Example shorts boost self confidence by reducing visibility of excess skin, reducing grip on the body giving comfort, a sex/sporty look, supporting the body and conveying a slimmer look. Moreover, our sales persons are readily available to make deliveries and assist with any product issues. Blog language and Design: use of key marketing works such as supports the body, comforts, gives a sexy, sporty and slimmer look and boosts self confidence in women. The design involves different colors fancied by women, fashions and also uses the language of sport, fashion and style. The website is developed with the target market in mind and thus has the features that attract the targeted audience. We will continuously maintain and update the site in order to for it to have current information at any time. Customers will be able to make orders online, sign up for updates on products, listen to or stream our videos, chat with us live and access our micro blogs. Main objectives are to drive traffic, collect customer feedback, avail product information to customers, give real time solutions to customer enquiries, and collate customer contact details and ultimately to communicate. We will use SEO and SEM to grow traffic through graphic displays, mobile device marketing and integrating social media. We will grow sales through sales generation and nurturing of the leads and optimization of conversations. SEO and SEM will also be used to generate results and analyze and evaluate results. The newsletter will contain such as appreciation to the customer as a business partner, explanation of the companies mission and values that are behind our products. Customers will also be given opportunity to know the persons behind the products and also request for their feedback on products. We will send the newsletters every time we have launched a new product and at the end of quarters just to engage customers and get suggestions for improvement. The mailing list will be built by software that
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The effect of the United Kingdom on the business environment of the EU Essay
The effect of the United Kingdom on the business environment of the EU - Essay Example The Single European Act that was enacted through the provisions of the Treaty of Rome is a key factor in the evolvement of the EU. It created the Single Market which has been one of the greatest and most successful actions initiated by national governments in the Union. This Act was designed not only for fair trade practices but also for the purpose of mutual acceptance of qualifications, harmonizing company law, imposing taxes and levies, the support of government to industries and other aspects such as government initiatives which enhance or diminish the advantageous position of a company.In December 1992, the Member States agreed to ratify this legislation. However this is not final as the unification process is a continuous one. The Treaty of Rome contemplated a free market in goods and services. Nearly seventy per cent of the European GDP emanates from this free market. Critics argue that firms that were in operation in the previous Member States that had streamlined costs and s tandards could be slowly weakened or injured by new firms in the new Member States with substandard ethics and costs. In order to meet this eventuality the Council of Ministers has endeavoured, several times, to set up a Services Directive with a standard regulatory framework, which is under examination and has not yet been finalized (Walsh, Stephens, & Moore, 2000, p59).The United Kingdom was not only unable to accept the supremacy of the EU but it was also reluctant to abandon its sovereignty. The current position is that Tony Blair's regime also chooses to extend cooperation by way of intergovernmental arrangements. It continued this stance of ignoring the predominant role of the European Court of Justice. In the year 1997, during the Amsterdam Summit the UK government was successful in retaining its right to maintain barriers at its national boundaries (Hall & Bhatt, Policing Europe. EU Justice and Home Affairs co - operation). It had regularly interpreted the principles of free movement under the Single European Act according to its convenience and in a manner that differed from other Member States. It does not want to permit EU citizens or anyone else to travel without a passport in the UK and it upholds its right to control the travel of non - EU nationals into Britain. This opt - out position exempts the UK from implementing the provisions of the EU, which provides for less stringent passport restrictions, and from permitting immigration and granting asylum. However, the UK is bestowed with a right to opt - in to EU arrangements in the future (Hall & Bhatt, Policing Europe: EU Justice and Home Affairs co-operation). The political importance of the UK's EU policy depends upon Justice and home affairs. Two significant decisions that represent its position of keeping away from EU integration are the decision not to join the EMU and the decision to opt - out from the implementation of free - movement of goods and people. The UK's ambition is to become the most important Member State in the EU and acquire a dominant position on par with France and Germany (Hall & Bhatt, Policing Europe: EU Justice and Home Affairs co-operation). In order to fulfill its aspirations the UK will chose the opt - in option in more free - movement policies in the near future. This strategy will endow it with a major role in the formulation of the migration policies of the EU. The UK yearns to display its strong determination to obtain an increased cooperation from the police and the judiciary in order to combat organized crime. In the area of judicial cooperation the government of the UK aspires to be in a leading position in order to bring about a Union - wide judicial scope. The UK with its potentially active law - enforcement institutions and a vibrant judiciary, will create a friendly atmosphere in international cooperation. This was
Friday, January 24, 2020
Charles H. Keating :: essays research papers
Charles H. Keating Jr. has been the focus of criminal investigations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, the Justice Department, The Securities and Exchange Commission, and the House Banking Committee for a six-year shadow of the nation’s biggest savings-and loan debacle. The federal government proclaims that he fraudulently managed California’s Lincoln Savings into its closure, and in the process profited for himself and his family an estimated thirty-four million dollars. Consequently, taxpayers may suffer a loss of two billion dollars. The federal government is suing Keating, his family and associates for one billion dollars. Despite Keating’s denial to the charges, evidence proves that his misconduct began since the early 1980s. Shockingly, Charles Keating worked for an extended amount of time without being investigated or caught. Keating did not have a very credible background, which should have led to some suspicion. About a decade ago, many incidents should have foreshadowed Keating’s malicious intentions. At that point Keating was under the leadership of Carl Lindner at American Financial Corp., a city conglomerate with interests in insurance and banking. In 1979 SEC, better known as the Security & Exchange Commission, cited Keating and other officials of the American Exchange Commission for failure to reveal particular loan transactions with their employer. Keating, a national championship swimmer, attended the University of Cincinnati on an athletic scholarship and continued in law school. Along with help from his brother, Charles Keating founded the prominent Cincinnati law firm of Keating, Muething and Klekamp. In 1972 Keating abandoned the profession of law, turning to work for the publicity-shy multimillionaire Carl Linder. Lindner served as a guide and mentor in the life of Mr. Keating. Many similarities can be traced between the business style of these two men; preeminently they both built their empires on savings and loans.1 Charles Keating exceeded Mr. Lindner’s expectations, which persuaded Mr. Lindner to extend an offer to the forty-eight year-old lawyer a position with American Financial in 1972 as the executive vice-president. Under Lindner’s supervision at American Financial in the mid-1970’s, Keating found a resourceful strategy to raise money from the public without the interference of the Wall Street underwriters. The success of this strategy resulted from sharp decline in profits that Lindner’s company was experiencing. Keating’s success revolved around him raising fifty million dollars for American Financial from the public without using an underwriting syndicate.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Tanglewood Case Two
Tanglewood Case 2 Strategic Staffing (HR 594) Summer Session B [email protected] com TANGLEWOOD CASE TWO ATT: Daryl Perrone After analyzing the data and performing an environmental scan it is clear that the demographics of Spokane, Washington will present you will problems filling vacancies based on the Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. Spokane is the second largest city in Washington and according to my research 84% of these people are white. The next largest minority group, Hispanic, is only at 5% and the third largest group is mixed races which is just 3. 8%.As you can see Tacoma, Washington is not very diverse and finding the enough competent employees from minority groups may be difficult given the fact that there are not that many to begin with. According to the Census Bureau, Tacoma’s percentages of non-white employment in both the fields of retail salespersons and first line supervisors for retail are low in comparison with the available workforce. This tel ls me that it is not just Tanglewood that is failing to hire minorities; the whole city of Tacoma needs to do a better job of increasing their minority incumbency percentages.Incumbency is a term used to describe that a position is being held and is often used by the human resource department to determine where and how demographic shifts are needed. Although your minority incumbency percent is well above the required 80% for department managers finding more minorities for positions with higher volumes of vacancy is going to be a huge problem. Your store associate minority incumbency percent is only at 65. 8% and in order to meet the requirements you need to do a better job of recruiting minorities to fill these positions. The percent of minority incumbency for shift leaders is also too low.As far as female incumbency percentages are concerned, the department manager position needs to be improved more than anything. It is quite clear that Tanglewood needs to hire more females for man agerial positions and more minorities for entry level positions. According to my gap analysis, next year you are going to be extremely short of store associates and filling these positions according to the EEO will be a difficult task. Tell your managers that they need to get busy and prepare to hire 3,995 people for store associate level positions. You will also need to hire quite a few department managers; a total of 156.As far as shift leaders are concerned, only 90 people are needed for this position. There will be staff overloads for both assistant store managers and store managers. This means that perhaps some people will need to be let go and when doing so I recommend that you keep in mind the low incumbency percentage for females in the manager positions. Also remember that more minorities are needed for both store associates and shift leaders. In order to balance out your employment structure more, I have come up with a simple statement of action for hiring for Washington n ext year.The most important thing seems to be solving your problem of maintaining store associates. This year, 41% of your store associates left your company and in order to decrease this percentage you need to make sure that the employees are being taken care of properly. Some methods to retain more employees are by giving them more opportunities for advancement within the company, increasing their benefits package, proving higher wages, etc. Too many people at the entry level are giving up and this improving your ability to retain employees will prove to be beneficial to the company.Another major plan of action is to fill in more of the entry level positions with minorities. Your incumbency percentage for this category is really low and if you don’t fix this problem you are going to be facing a load of issues with the EEO. Unlike your problem with promoting women to management positions, your problem with providing low entry jobs for minorities is one that will require rest ructuring and time. Although there are not a lot of minorities in the area to fill these positions it is your company’s duty to do a better job of recruiting minorities.This means that you will need to change your recruitment practices and perhaps extend beyond Tacoma to find talent. Realistically I don’t see Tanglewood meeting the demands for minority incumbency for the store associate position in a single year. Hiring internally gives the current employees more hope and will improve the problem you are facing with keeping your employees loyal to the company. Although focusing primarily on internal promotions decreases the chance of finding a stellar employee, it will solve a lot of the current problems your company is facing. I recommend that you promote current females and minorities internally.This will keep more low entry level employees motivated to stay and also improve your problems with incumbency percentages as well. Wood himself mentioned in a recent intervi ew with Business Monthly that, â€Å"Tanglewood really needs to slow down and take a hard look at our corporate culture†. He goes on by saying, â€Å"Right now, we need to consolidate and make sure we’re as close to the company’s original mission as we can be†. Taking this quote into consideration it is clear that the recent expansion increases have destroyed the relationship between the low level employees and Tanglewood.This does not merely apply to the Washington stores, but to rather the entire store as a whole. People are running in and out of this company and the only way to stop the large percentage of people quitting is by doing a better job of taking care of their needs. On a personal and professional level employees, especially at the low entry level, need to be Tanglewood’s top priority. Table 1. 1 Markov Analysis Information Transition probability matrix| Current year| | (1)| (2)| (3)| (4)| (5)| Exit| Previous year| (1) Store associate| 0. 53| 0. 06| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 41| | (2) Shift leader| 0. 00| 0. 50| 0. 16| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 4| | (3) Department manager| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 58| 0. 12| 0. 00| 0. 30| | (4) Assistant store manager| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 06| 0. 46| 0. 08| 0. 40| | (5) Store manager| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 66| 0. 34| | | Forecast of availabilities| Next year (projected)| | (1)| (2)| (3)| (4)| (5)| Exit| | | Current Workforce| | | | | | | Previous year| (1) Store associate| 8,500| 4505| 510| 0| 0| 0| 3485| | (2) Shift leader| 1,200| 0| 600| 192| 0| 0| 408| | (3) Department manager| 850| 0| 0| 493| 102| 0| 255| | (4) Assistant store manager| 150| 0| 0| 9| 69| 12| 60| | (5) Store manager| 50| 0| 0| 0| 0| 33| 17| | | | | | | | |Gap analysis| Next year (projected)| | | | (1)| (2)| (3)| (4)| (5)| | Year end total(column sum)| 4505| 1110| 694| 171| 55| | External hires needed (current workforce-total)| 3995| 90| 156| 0| 0| WORKS CITED 1. Table 1. 1 , Markov Analysis Information by Tanglewood Casebook to Accompany Staffing Organizations, 7e 2. Table 1. 2 Determining Availability by Tanglewood Casebook to Accompany Staffing Organizations, 7e 3. Table 1. 3 Comparing Incumbency to Availability and Annual Placement Goals, by Tanglewood Casebook to Accompany Staffing Organizations, 7e 4. †Spokane Population and Demographics. †Area Connect. MDNH Inc.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A University s Ethics - 1514 Words
As Americans look towards the idea of college today, some may agree that the overall goals of a university have drastically changed since the popularity of higher education has increased. If one were to ask the universities what their core values consist of, most institutions would boast about student academics and growth being at the top of the list. As this response may ring true with most colleges in the US, specifically smaller schools, the increase in funds for research and athletic programs have seemingly overtaken the attention of larger, more competitive universities. Higher education has become a more popular choice among ambitious adults, providing them an opportunity to move up in the working world. Further, with this†¦show more content†¦Students, paying thousands of dollars a year to attend college, deserve to receive a decent education; however, this is an ambiguous outcome when the professors are not being compensated as well as they should be. The educators a re delivering the actual learning work while most administrative positions sit in an office all day and get paid more than twice as much for their labor. The values surrounding university athletics have also become a controversial topic of interest among Americans. Over the years, collegiate sports, especially football and basketball, have evolved into commercialized teams around the country. Almost to the level of a professional team, college athletes receive special treatment and an excess of benefits; one of the most significant benefits that most of these athletes collect is free tuition. Depending on the school, colleges will additionally cover a student s housing, dining, and supply fees; not to mention all of the free equipment that already comes with being a college athlete. Derek Bok of the Princeton University Press writes an article about the commercialization and corruption of college athletics, saying, Admissions offices are importuned to
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